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Select Board Meeting Minutes 8/1/16
Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 8/1/16

Meeting Opened at: 9am
Select Board Members Present: Kenn Basler, Chairperson and Steve Weisz

Also in attendance: Emily Johnson, Owen Higgins (Berkshire Eagle), Alice Berke

Miscellaneous Items Reviewed:
1.  Town Counsel is scheduled to come in on Aug 8th to discuss Lake Garfield and the issues from the special town meeting.
2.  DEP is coming on August 24th to perform a site visit at the current and new transfer stations.
3.  Wednesday at 1pm there will be a site walk around the new transfer station with the employees and Director of Operations.
4.  The first meeting of the Town Administrator Resume Review Committee will be on August 23rd.
5.  Town Hall: The Town Accountant has accepted a job in Lanesborough and his last day in Monterey will be August 12th.  Kenn noted that Sue Funk may be interested in coming in to fill in in the Treasurer’s office but is more interested in the Accountant’s position.  Discussion also ensued about the possibility of hiring an outside firm temporarily and that one of the grant writer’s we just hired also has municipal accounting experience.  This will be discussed further when Carol returns.  An ad will be placed in the paper for the Accountant’s position.  Kenn will reach out to other towns for any current Treasurer’s that may be interested in filling in until the elections.
6.  Nadine will be asked to come in on Monday with regards to concerns the Board has for the Clerk’s office.
7.  Kenn reported that he met the new Director of Camp Hume.
8.  Grant writer: Dennis Lynch submitted a list of ideas and the Board would like to speak with him further, he will be scheduled for a future meeting.
9.  The steak roast went well; over 600 people were served.
10.  The Chief’s weekly report was reviewed.
11.  M. Noe’s weekly report was reviewed.

The Board met with Director of Operations, Shawn Tryon regarding the following:
1.  Shawn gave an update on the RT23 progress.
2.  A letter of support was presented for the Fire Department.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 9:40am

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

cc: Website (
Select Board Members
Minutes Book
Town Clerk